How does it work in The Gambia?

In The Gambia, the Companies Department under the Ministry of Justice is responsible for registering businesses. It is done through the Single Window Registry, a one-stop shop for business entry services. It provides an electronic registration system. The registration of a business name produces a unique business registration number. The SWR also allows the processing of applications for municipal trade licenses, business taxpayer registration, and employer registration for Social Security purposes. Here is a slightly detailed description of three common legal forms in The Gambia. This description allows you to make a free choice based on a good understanding of the advantages and constraints of each form.

Registering as a Sole Proprietorship

What does this type of business entail?
Single ownership: one person in control
No sharing of profit & loss
One person’s capital
Unlimited liability: the owner is personally liable for all business losses and liabilities
Less Legal formalities

What do I gain (advantages)?
Easy constitution and closure
Maintenance of business secrets
Quick decision and prompt action
Better control
Flexibility in operating
Less record keeping

What are the constraints (disadvantages)?
Limited resources
Lack of continuity
Limited size
Unlimited liability


Which documents do I need for registration?
Photocopy of National Identity Card, Passport, or Driver’s Licence of Proprietor / Owner
His/her TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) Card
Form SWR3 to be completed (Application form)
NB: To obtain an ID Card applicant must either produce an old ID document, birth certificate, voters’ card, or a copy of a passport as proof of Gambian citizenship


Registration costs GMD500

Registering a Partnership Business

What does this type of business entail (characteristics)?
Sharing of profits and loss
Continuity of the business
Contractual relationship with the partner
Unlimited liability (where it is not limited partnership)
Transfer of interest


What do I gain (advantages)?
Ease of constitution
More capital
Sharing of risks
Ease of dissolution
Possibility of expansion

What are the constraints (disadvantages)?
Unlimited Liability (for General Partnership)
Risk of dissolution
No transfer of shares


Which documents do I need for registration?
To register a Partnership, you should;
Apply for a name reservation
Complete form SWR7 (Application form)These should be accompanied by;
A copy of the registered Partnership Deed / Agreement (This entails payment of stamp duty at The Gambia Revenue Authority and registration of the deed/agreement at the Registrar General’s office)
A copy of TIN Card for the partnership business
Photocopy of National Identity Card, Passport or Driving License of partners

Registration costs

Name Reservation Fee D500
Business Registration Fee D1,000
Incorporation Fee (D5,000 for General Partnership, D10,000 for Limited Partnership)

Registering a Company

What does this type of business entail (characteristics)?
Separate legal existence
The company may sue and be sued in its name.
Limited liability
Separate assets/property
Perpetual succession
Transferability of shares
Dividend pay to shareholders

What do I gain
Larger financial resources
Expansion potential
Diffusion of risks

What are the constraints (disadvantages)?
Complex to set up
Public records, lack of secrecy
Lack of personal interest

Which documents do I need for registration?
In order to register a company, you should:
Apply for a name reservation
Fill out form SWR 7 (Application form) These should be accompanied by:
Articles & Memorandum of Association of the company, which indicate the purpose, regulations of a company and the responsibilities of the Directors
A copy of the TIN Card for the company
Photocopy of National Identity card, Passport, or Driver’s license of the shareholders,
directors, and secretary. If any of the shareholders/directors is a non-resident, particulars of his/her agent must be attached.

Registration costs

Name Reservation Fee D500
Business Registration Fee D1,000
Incorporation Fees are based on share capital:
Share capital of up to D500,000 Fee = D10,000
Share capital of up to D500,000 to 1,000,000 Fee = D15,000
Share capital of up to D1,000,000 to 10,000,000 Fee = D20,00
Share capital above D10,000,000 Fee = D25,000



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